Triumph Over Cancer – Stories of Resilience and Support - Part 2


Chalese Leven, Anywhere Integrated Services


October 2, 2023

A photo of Heather Spalding

Heather Spalding – Regional Manager – Guardian Title Agency

In June of 2022, Heather Spalding discovered a lump that would change the course of her life. After undergoing a series of tests, she was diagnosed with Stage 1, grade 1-2 Invasive Ductal Carcinoma on July 11, 2022 – the day after losing her 40-year-old cousin to the same disease. 

“I went through all of the ’whys’ trying to figure out what I did to cause this and why it happened to me. I was scared, mad, emotional and could not accept the fact that I had cancer. After weeks of going through all these emotions, I was finally ready to fight,” Spalding relates. She was determined to take charge of her treatment and fight with everything she had.

Aggressive Treatment and Difficult Recovery

Heather wasted no time in pursuing treatment. On August 29, 2022, she underwent surgery in an aggressive bid to remove the cancer. “I was very aggressive with my treatment and went in for a Double Mastectomy,” she said. The road to recovery was far from easy, and unforeseen complications made the healing process even more challenging. But Heather's determination and resilience propelled her forward.

Becoming a Survivor

Just a week after her surgery, Heather received the news she had been longing for: her surgeon confirmed that all traces of cancer had been successfully removed. On September 23, 2022, she officially became a breast cancer survivor, a title that signified her victory over the disease and the beginning of a new chapter in her life.

Heather with the Guardian Title Team at a Breast Cancer Awareness Walk

Personal Touches and Practical Assistance

Heather expresses immense gratitude for her colleagues who stood by her side every step of the way, after she was diagnosed with Invasive Ductal Carcinoma. 

“It’s hard to put into words the love and support Guardian Title showed me from the very day I was diagnosed and throughout my recovery,” she says. “The text messages, phones calls, home visits, presents, gift cards and food delivery were more than I could have ever imagined. I remember the Friday before my surgery, we had a leadership call via Teams. The entire leadership team wore pink in my honor.”

Guardian Title employees also rallied behind Heather by creating a team for the local Breast Cancer walk, after she officially became a survivor in 2022. “The walk was very emotional for me, yet I felt very blessed that I could be there with my Guardian cheerleaders by my side,” she says.

In addition, Heather had a dedicated healthcare advocate that was assigned through her insurance provider. “Anywhere pays for cancer support and counseling, as well as an insurance advocate that took the burden of getting medical bills approved for me. The advocate assigned to me worked directly with my providers, so I was not burdened or stressed over bills.”

Breast Cancer Awareness Wristbands

Lessons Learned and Ongoing Challenges

Heather's journey didn't end with her triumphant recovery. She candidly shares that the aftermath of cancer, which she fondly refers to as her "cancer hangover," involves a continuous regimen of medications, dealing with side effects, and a calendar filled with appointments and scans. However, throughout it all, Heather draws strength from the support of her team at Guardian Title Agency. 

Reflecting on her journey, Heather says: “You never know what somebody might be going through, and this battle has taught me the importance of not only being empathetic and supportive for colleagues, but to celebrate their wins with them. Everybody needs a warrior in their fight! I’m very passionate about supporting and informing others who are going through breast cancer and hope I can be a resource for them.”

Anywhere Integrated Services is proud to support people like Heather, who have demonstrated courage and resilience and continue to bring their perspectives to their role. They continue to be a source of inspiration for the entire Anywhere Integrated Services family of companies. Look out for more on each of their journeys throughout the month. We also understand that not every battle is won, so we send our heartfelt condolences to anyone who has lost a loved one to cancer. 

Note: All participating employees fully consented to share their stories with the public.