Five Ways to Boost Your Social Media ROI


Bobbi Pronin


September 26, 2023

A mom and daughter take a selfie on vacation

More than ever, real estate professionals, like all marketers, rely on social media to engage with people in a way that drives sales. Yet, according to a Sprout Social Media survey, despite the hours and/or advertising dollars spent on this Herculean effort, most have no clue how to define or measure their success rate.

It’s important to bear in mind that people go to social media to hang out and interact – primarily with friends and family. So, agents need to unobtrusively take part in the conversation and be discreet in presenting their messages in ways that enhance, rather than disrupt, the user experience.

You can begin, say social media experts, by taking a hard look at where you are now. Are you consistently gaining new followers? Are impressions, mentions, and re-shares increasing? Do clients tell you they found you through Facebook or Instagram?

If they are – and especially if they are not – the experts suggest five ways you can boost your social media traffic and ROI for the long term:

  1. Optimize your profile – Consumer interest has little value if people can’t easily reach you. For each platform you’re using, keep your contact info, photo, and website URL updated.
  2. Use video to showcase properties – 97% of agents polled said that video postings increased views, and 76% said it increased both queries and sales.
  3. Create useful content – Consider creating a FB live video at an open house, a 360 post to show a full view of the property – or a YouTube video that explains the step-by-step process of buying a house.
  4. Share local content – Many people use social media as a news source. Share content on local events as well as on housing trends, unique local properties, and local property price changes.
  5. Sprinkle hashtags through your content – Increase awareness by introducing a combination of branded hashtags such as #RightMoveTips or #SellFaster for your followers, and generic hashtags such as #DreamHome or #JustListed to capture the attention of anyone with a real estate interest.       

You can never be sure where the right audience will find you. The more strategies you use, and the more value you provide, the higher your social media success rate is likely to be.


This material is meant for general illustration and/or informational purposes only. Although the information has been gathered from sources believed to be reliable, no representation is made as to its accuracy. This material is not intended to be construed as legal, tax or investment advice. You are encouraged to consult your legal, tax or investment professional for specific advice.

About Bobbi Pronin

Bobbi Pronin is an award-winning writer based in Orange County, Calif. A former news editor with more than 30 years of experience in journalism and corporate communications, she has specialized in real estate topics for over a decade.

Bobbi is not an employee of Anywhere Integrated Services or affiliated with its title companies.