Kick it into High Gear with These Nine Productivity Tips


Bobbi Pronin


February 12, 2024

A agent shows a young couple a home

We're early in 2024, and most real estate professionals nationwide are optimistic for a successful year. An appropriate question for gearing up for peak months should be, “Are you ready to meet emerging opportunities?” 

Life coaches, career motivators, and the National Association of Realtors (NAR) suggest nine powerful ways to gear up and get ready to close more deals this year: 

  1. Set goals – No sensible hiker sets out without a map. Presumably, your business plan is complete and in your back pocket. If not, get it done today. 

  2. Get down with your SOI – Making personal calls to wish people a happy new year is a natural way to re-connect. 

  3. Get out of your comfort zone – Start conversations. Join a service club. Take a more active role in your community. 

  4. Raise your profile – Take a table at a Chamber of Commerce fair. Network with your local real estate board. Join with another agent or two to sponsor a youth sports team or host a charitable or family event.  

  5. Take a digital marketing class – You cannot compete in today’s world if your digital marketing skills are lacking. 

  6. Improve social media skills – What are the most successful agents doing? Search out new ways to optimize the value of your social media posts. 

  7. Mind your health – Eat right. Walk more. Physical fitness gives you the energy you need to take the next steps in your career. 

  8. Create a good work/life balance – Working long hours can lead to serious health issues. Be sure to lock out leisure time to spend with family and friends. 

  9. Find a niche – Review the list of specialty designations available through NAR such as Senior Real Estate Specialist (SRES), Military Relocation Professional (MRP), or a Green designation demonstrating your commitment to energy efficiency and sustainability. Which designations are best for your market demographics?  


This material is meant for general illustration and/or informational purposes only. Although the information has been gathered from sources believed to be reliable, no representation is made as to its accuracy. This material is not intended to be construed as legal, tax or investment advice. You are encouraged to consult your legal, tax or investment professional for specific advice.  

About Bobbi Pronin  

Bobbi Pronin is an award-winning writer based in Orange County, Calif. A former news editor with more than 30 years of experience in journalism and corporate communications, she has specialized in real estate topics for over a decade.  

Bobbi is not an employee of Anywhere Integrated Services or affiliated with its title companies.