Seven Ways to Ramp Up for a Sizzling Summer Market


Bobbi Pronin


May 28, 2024

Agents networking after a lunch and learn

High mortgage rates and climbing home prices no doubt present a challenge for working real estate professionals. But NAR predicts 4.71 million existing-home sales in 2024, up 13.5% from 4.1 million in 2023, and the best news is that people need to move for a variety of reasons, and tight housing inventory in many parts of the nation are keeping homebuyers competitive. 

Savvy agents may want to try a few of these simple tactics to attract new clients and keep the summer sale season sizzling: 

  • Take part in local events – Reach out to your local chamber of commerce for information about upcoming events, from Fourth of July parades and Summer Business Expos to Labor Day parties and picnics. Volunteering to sponsor or help out can help you build some new connections and likely attract new clients.  

  • Set up a booth – If there is a fair or carnival in your area this summer, set up a free face-painting or finger painting booth to draw kids and their parents. Your prominent signage can spark conversation with parents while the kids are having fun. 

  • Reward referrals – People trust the recommendation of friends and family, so establish a formal rewards program for referrals. Get in touch with happy former clients and offer a choice of rewards – possibly a home store or restaurant gift card – for every serious referral. 

  • Start a helpful blog – Create summer blog posts with information on upcoming events, summer safety, cool summer recipes and housing market tips and trends. 

  • Advertise at local hot spots – Place ads at water parks, local pools and skating rinks, bus benches and other spots where people gather. 

  • Host a charitable event – Try a canned food drive for the local food bank or a winter coat drive for the needy right there at your office. Set up the grill outside and offer S’mores or hot dogs to those who contribute goods. 

  • Lend a hand building houses - As a real estate agent, it’s a natural to get involved with charitable causes like Habitat for Humanity. All the while you are measuring and hammering, you are forging connections with others who will one day will need a real estate professional.  

Savvy agents can thrive by adapting to market demands and leveraging creative strategies to engage with the community and attract new clients. From participating in local events to hosting charitable drives, the key lies in building connections and offering value. By doing so, you not only contribute to their communities but also set the stage for a bustling summer sales season.


This material is meant for general illustration and/or informational purposes only. Although the information has been gathered from sources believed to be reliable, no representation is made as to its accuracy. This material is not intended to be construed as legal, tax, financial or investment advice. You are encouraged to consult your legal, tax or investment professional for specific advice. 

About Bobbi Pronin

Barbara Pronin is an award-winning writer based in Orange County, Calif. A former news editor with more than 30 years of experience in journalism and corporate communications, she has specialized in real estate topics for over a decade. 

Bobbi is not an employee of Anywhere Integrated Services or affiliated with its title companies.